Agimat Warriors

The Agimat Warriors are various denizens of the world of Banua, befriended by Bato who formed the Brotherhood of Agimat Warriors.


A short description of your company and the services you offer.

Apu Dapu Sicmat

The good hearted barbarian from the Great River who loves adventure

Don Horacio Caballero

The retired noble equestrian knights joins to have more adventures.

Apu Ulag

A former cleric of a religious order sent to battle, Apu Ulag now spend most of his time in prayers and meditation.


The only known stegodon luzonensis still roaming Banua who underestimates himself, but is loyal above all else.


The snarky know-it-all Juba, the “giant” golden-crowned flying fox who needs someone to lean on
